The path of African countries towards full #sustainability and the inherent business opportunities must be accompanied by inclusive #financing, which is still missing in #Africa and it is fundamental in order to foster growth in this part of the world”. This was the core of the speech given by Rita Ricciardi, Founding partner and Head of Business advisory at BERGS & MORE, at the conference on Sustainability and Finance organised by Africa e Affari at the Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome on Thursday 10th November. “Africa holds many #opportunities, also being a region which in recent years has seen an exponential growth in the level of maturity and consciousness of a young, open and skilled generation of entrepreneurs”, Ricciardi added. We are therefore talking about inclusive financing, which can help African SMEs to choose quality – and therefore sustainability – while at the same time giving our companies the opportunity to be more present, to #invest and to increase #sales.